
Cub Scouts

Cub Scout Pack 40

Cub Scout Pack 40 is responding to God’s call to serve our youth and community through Scouting. Pack 40 is part of the Scoutreach Diversity Program and invite all young men ages 6 – 11 (1st through 5th grades) to join our cause for fun and adventure, to learn life skills and do new things.

Cub Scout Pack 40 conducts meetings at least twice per month and performs various activities such as arts and crafts, building and launching assorted rockets, constructing woodcrafts, learning about woodworking with various tools and visiting “Go See It” local attractions and participating in community service projects.

As expected, the Scouts also camp out and learn about and conduct various outdoor activities such as fishing, shooting BB guns, bow and arrows, geo-caching, campfire activities, canoeing and much more. Come join us and bring your ideas!

Adult leaders and volunteers are needed and are welcome.

For more information, please contact:

  • Cubmaster, Russ Adams at (706) 631-1266
  • Pack Committee Chairman, Charles Jackson at (706) 951-4036
  • Pack Charter Representative, LaShawn Morrison at (706) 814-0626
  • Email us: